24 Apr Development Education Showcase 2017
Development Education Showcase Event
Templeogue College Friday 24th March 2017
(One student’s reaction to the experience of the Showcase Event in Templeogue College.)
I didn’t have a clue what to expect from the Development Education Showcase Event. In fact, I didn’t realise there was such an event until we began preparing our project. I have to say that experiencing the event firsthand and realising how much hard work every Spiritan school put into their projects changed my perspective on how determined people my age are to change the world around them for the better.
March 24th was the day that brought students from 7 Spiritan schools together in Templeogue College. The experience empowered us to do the talking about the change we wanted to see in the world.
Each school gave a presentation about what was going on in their school and the work being done on particular projects. Some had gone on what is called an ‘immersion experience’ to countries such as Ghana, Kenya and even India. It was very interesting to hear people my own age talking about what life is like in these diverse countries and to see how determined they are to one day make a change in our world. The day united all of us in realising that we can make a difference. It was a great day for everyone involved.
Nathen Mackey Templeogue College
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