01 May Novena to the Holy Spirit
Pentecost 2017
The feast of Pentecost is a very important feast in the Spiritan calendar. It marks the day that Claude Poullard Des Places and his companions committed themselves to serve the Gospel and offer their life in ‘witness’ to the gospel. The Novena this year in preparation for the Feast of Pentecost begins on Friday, May 26th and finishing on Saturday, June 3rd.
It is our wish to invite all visitors to this website to participate in this annual novena. The novena prayer can be prayed as an individual or in a small prayer group setting in your school or parish community. The Novena Booklet can be downloaded here.
As we follow the inspiration and footsteps of our founders, we remember Fr. Libermann’s words as we prepare to pray this novena; Spend a reasonable amount of time, praying what to do, ‘for and against’ in the presence of God, and acting calming with the sole desire of pleasing God and bringing your decision without fear and act with great confidence in God. (A Spiritan Anthology 2001p.267)
We wish that this time of preparation for our special feast would be a time of renewal for us all involved with the Spiritan mission. Also included here is Fr. Mark Whelan’s introductory letter to the Novena which can be downloaded here.
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