21 Dec SET Christmas Newsletter and Greetings
Christmas Newsletter 2017

Our Lady of Victories, Chapel of St Therese, Paris
As we come to the end of a long school term, and look forward with expectation to the Christmas and New Year break, our thoughts turn to the joy of sharing and caring celebration with family and friends. In this often frenetic and concentrated period of activity, we rarely find time to think purely of ourselves. In thanking and congratulating our Spiritan school communities most sincerely for their energy, commitment and dedicated service this term, I would encourage one and all to think of his or her own self-care – to include in your life a little bit of love and attention for oneself – so that the body, mind, and soul are refreshed to face the new challenges that our mission as educators will bring.
Wishing all our readers God’s blessing for a wonderful caring-laden Christmas and a successful and fulfilled 2018.
Pat Kitterick Chair, Spiritan Education Trust
Christmas Reflection – 2016 URBI ET ORBI MESSAGE of POPE FRANCIS
Today the Church once more experiences the wonder of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the shepherds of Bethlehem, as they contemplate the newborn Child laid in a manger: Jesus, the Saviour…….
The power of this Child, Son of God and Son of Mary, is not the power of this world, based on might and wealth; it is the power of love. It is the power that created the heavens and the earth, and gives life to all creation: to minerals, plants and animals……It is the power of service, which inaugurates in our world the Kingdom of God, a kingdom of justice and peace…….
Peace to all who have been injured or have suffered the loss of a loved one due to the brutal acts of terrorism that have sown fear and death in the heart of many countries and cities. Peace – not merely the word, but real and concrete peace – to our abandoned and excluded brothers and sisters, to those who suffer hunger and to all the victims of violence. Peace to exiles, migrants and refugees, to all those who in our day are subject to human trafficking. Peace to the peoples who suffer because of the economic ambitions of a few, because of sheer greed and the idolatry of money, which leads to slavery. Peace to those affected by social and economic unrest, and to those who endure the consequences of earthquakes or other natural catastrophes. …….
And peace to the children, on this special day on which God became a child, above all those deprived of the joys of childhood because of hunger, wars or the selfishness of adults.
Peace on earth to men and women of goodwill, who work quietly and patiently each day, in their families and in society, to build a more humane and just world, sustained by the conviction that only with peace is there the possibility of a more prosperous future for all.
To read the Full SET Christmas Newsletter with News from all our schools please download here
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