14 Mar Wednesday, March 16th 2022 -Join us for Lenten prayer at lunchtime.

To all our web visitors,
We hope this invitation finds you all in good health as you look forward in hope, having led your schools through almost two years of the pandemic. We are so aware of the vision, creativity, hard work, and sheer goodness of you all in finding new ways of teaching and learning and caring for your school community during this challenging time.
As people of faith, we invite you to come together to rest for a while in prayer. The theme for this prayer time is Journeying together in Lent. Coming together brings strength to us all. Gathering in a spirit of prayer renews our faith, hope, and love.
During Lent, our small group will prepare five prayer times to stop, reflect and pray. Each prayer time will take place on a Wednesday at 1.20-1.35 pm on the following dates: March 9th, March 16th, March 23rd, March 30th, and April 6th.
The same Zoom link will be used for each meeting. Topic: Lenten Reflections Zoom gathering Join Zoom
Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83780331941?pwd=ZG11ZHE0MnRRVjZIOFR0V1dvN1oxZz09
Meeting ID: 837 8033 1941 Passcode: 341596
We hope you will make time in your diary to join with us as we pray in solidarity with each other. Please feel free to share the zoom link with students, parents, management, and the wider school community.
Return to me with your whole heart (Joel 2,12)
Le gach dea-ghuí
Lily Barry, Marino Institute of Education
Sr Concepta Foley, Post-Primary Diocesan Advisor, Dublin
Ronan Barry, Spiritan Education Trust
Claire Kilroy, Le Chéile Schools Trust
Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Loreto Education Trust
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