31 Mar NEW Course starting May 4th -Mission Impossible? Becoming Agents of Change in today’s world…
Please find information below regarding a new course, jointly organised by Spiritan Mission Ireland and the Office of Mission and Ministry in the Archdiocese of Dublin. The course is entitled MISSION IMPOSSIBLE? Becoming agents of change in today’s world…

The focus of the programme is to explore Pope Francis’ call to understand that all Catholics are called to be missionary disciples. This calls for a different vision of what it means to be Church. This course is intended to explore together this new vision through reflecting on the signs of the times, the teaching of Pope Francis and a biblical understanding of faith.
If you are interested in growing in your understanding of what it means to be Church today and in deepening your faith, then this course is worth exploring.
For further information and details on how to register, please see the picture below.
If you could help advertise the course by downloading the poster and displaying it in a prominent place, all involved would be grateful. Click here to download the poster
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