SPIRITAN EDUCATION TRUST clg The Board of Directors invites applications for the full-time position of CEO - Spiritan Education Trust A cover letter with an accompanying CV is welcomed from candidates who wish to apply for the role, on or before 21st March 2025 This position is based in...

“My Lenten Pause’ for Lent 2025 – is our Lenten gift to each of you from all here in SET – It is a ‘DIY Lenten retreat booklet’ based on the Sunday Gospels this Lent - that will hopefully help you to gift yourself a...

Happy New Year to all Staff, students, families, friends, and associates connected to our network of school. Wishing you every blessing for 2025. ...

Warm greetings from the Spiritan Education Trust Office as we near the Feast of the Nativity. I want to express my gratitude for your support and kindness for the work of Spiritan Education in the past year. Adapting to the challenges of our current context has been a...

Here is the SET Christmas Newsletter which contains all the wonderful news from our school network and SET. Have a great Christmas and every blessing for the New Year. SET-Christmas-Newsletter-2024-Final-webDownload ...

We have produced a scripture/thought for the day calendar for Advent based on the readings of the day accompanied by a short reflection/focus – working with some schools of the joint Trustees we will accompany this with short video inputs from pupils, teachers, etc each...