Spiritan Education Trust Bursary Programme We are pleased to announce the Spiritan Education Trust Bursary programme.  A range of bursaries is being offered to staff members of Spiritan Schools wishing to undertake academic programmes relating to the Spiritan School Ethos including theology, chaplaincy, development education and...

The Spiritan Education Trust's resources promote the core areas of Faith and Mission.  These resources can be used in classrooms, as well as programmes for young people in parishes. Faith and Mission Calendar 2017-2018 A calendar for the academic year highlighting important dates relating to Faith and Mission, as...

Middle Leaders Course 2017-2018 The Education Offices of the four Trusts are collaborating to run a middle leadership course again in 2017-2018 for teachers interested in developing their leadership capacity. It is open to all teachers; post holders and non-post holders.  Course Aims & Content The aims of the...

The Spiritan Mission Resource and Heritage centre is a new initiative of the Irish Spiritan province.  The aim of this initiative is to animate the Spiritan story and its contribution to many parts of the world.  It also explores how the contribution of the past can help shape our...

Pentecost 2017 The feast of Pentecost is a very important feast in the Spiritan calendar. It marks the day that Claude Poullard Des Places and his companions committed themselves to serve the Gospel and offer their life in 'witness' to the gospel. The Novena this year...

As enter the season of Easter, please find a copy of our current newsletter for your reading. Wishing you a peaceful and quiet Easter time. SET_newsletter_Easter_2017 download here.  ...