Please click on the link here to download the SET Spring Newsletter which includes news around the school network.  Please feel free to distribute. regards SET Executive ...

On Tuesday, February 2nd we celebrate the Feast of Francis Libermann, the second founder of the Congregation. To mark this special day in our calendar Spiritan Mission Ireland has prepared a reflection in which we give thanks for the life of this remarkable man and for the charism of the Congregation. We also ask God’s blessing on the...

As we approach the Christmas break, please download a copy of our current newsletter for your reading. We thank all the school communities for their endeavors during this difficult time. We wish all our teachers, students, and all staff in our school network and...

As we approach the Autumn mid-term break, please download a copy of our current newsletter for your reading. We thank all the school communities for their endeavors during this difficult time. We wish all our teachers, students, and all staff in our school network...

As we prepare for the 2020 academic year, the Spiritan Education Trust has produced three digital resources to promote the understanding of Spiritan Identity within our educational mission. Theses resources are: Taking care of My WellbeingTaking Care of My SpiritTaking Care of Others To view these resources on...

Please find two links below for prayers and prayer services for the start of the school year. As we move to the re-opening of schools, we ask for God's blessings on our students, our staff, and their families. Prayers at the start of...

Spiritan Education Trust Bursary Programme 2020-2021 We are pleased to announce the Spiritan Education Trust Bursary programme has been extended for the academic year 2020-2021.  A range of bursaries are offered to staff members of Spiritan Schools wishing to undertake academic programmes relating to Spiritan School...